April 11, 2017 Pereless

One Business Tool To Improve Customer Support

live chat

Live chat is utilized by many industries as a customer support and sales tool, yet in more recent times, businesses have put an increased focus on adding it to improve customer experience and increasing profits.  In fact, according to Technavios, the live chat software industry is set to grow at CAGR of 7.98% within the next 5 years.  Live chat is an innovative addition to businesses that provides customers instant access to help in real-time while providing companies an in-depth look at their processes and customer behavior.

Benefits For Business

Live chat software includes analytical tools that provides key insight into customer behavior.  Live chat can track website visitor activity including the pages they view, what they search for, what they are interested in buying, and what customers are struggling with.  Questions that are often asked to chat representatives show businesses what they can improve and the processes they can tweak for better results.  Live chat can serve as the main source for frequently asked questions so companies can build a knowledge center based off of those questions and provide answers to questions before the customer asks them.  Chat can also help keep track of employee success and ability to help customers and answer their questions.  Most chat software includes business performance tools and reports that analyzes chat session quality, time of the session, customer service skills of your employees, and their ability to assist, investigate, and solve problems to satisfy the customer.

Benefits For Customers

These days, it’s no secret that people like instant gratification.  With a live chat option, users visiting company sites have a convenient way of receiving instant assistance.  Some people simply do not like talking on the phone or are hesitant to call support lines assuming they will be put on hold or outsourced.  With chat available, there is virtually no wait time, (depending on company responsiveness), and customers can expect communication with a chat agent immediately.  Here is some data stemming from a recent e-commerce study that surveyed US and UK customers:

  • 1 in 5 shoppers preferred live chat as a main communication method
  • 79% say live chat resulted in their questions answered faster
  • 51% preferred live chat so they could multi task
  • 46% believe it is the most efficient communication method

In regards to this specific study, the most common scenarios that triggered a live chat session included the visitor having trouble, inquiring about a general question, comparing products of interest, or asking about promo codes.  Yet, whatever niche your business serves, you can be sure customers will always have questions and expect answers.  Satisfying your customer base is a top priority and will make or break your company’s reputation.  If your business needs an innovative and savvy way to service clients, chat software might the one tool needed to improve customer support!