January 28, 2019 Pereless

Recruiting Season đź‘“| 4 Tools To Keep Tabs On Progress

Pereless Systems Applicant Tracking Software makes it simple for companies to track candidate flow and time-to-fill rates while maintaining team productivity.  Here are 4 standard tools included with Pereless:

Flow Timeline

System administrators can monitor team progress and view candidate activity by checking the flow timeline. This provides a real-time overview of ATS user activity, candidate flow, and candidate dispositions.


Captures candidate source information via all sites jobs are posted including company career page and third-party job boards.


Pipeline report provides quick data on the job level; including information where candidates are within the review process, pass rate, and the average amount of days applicants remain within a flow.

Job Performance

Provides a quick list of top 10 best and worst performing active jobs in regards to candidate flow and the amount of days a position has been posted.

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