November 14, 2019 Pereless

CEO Explains How To Monitor Best-Performing Web Pages With This Free Tip

CEO of Pereless Systems Arthur Pereless knows a thing or two about capturing website traffic.

As the Founder of applicant tracking software that centers around gathering data, he also has first-hand experience in tracking and managing metrics of his own business websites. Over the years, the Big Data market has exploded to a $203 billion dollar market, servicing companies with expensive tools that capture it all. However, there are always cost-effective and even free alternatives available if you know where to find it.

Here’s one piece of advice Mr. Pereless offered the Forbes Technology Council in the article, “Gathering And Analyzing Website Traffic: 12 Proven Pro Tips.”

“Use Google Analytics to capture metrics and pull daily reports of best-performing pages. It is free of cost and user-friendly, providing an insightful database of information including page views, bounce rates and average time on pages. Filter results to your preferences and transfer to an Excel sheet within seconds. It’s a great way to keep track of website performance on a regular basis for free.”

Learn more about Arthur Pereless on The Hire Talent’s podcast, “Applicant Tracking Systems, AI, and the Future of Recruiting.”