Staying Ahead of the Curve: Ensuring Compliance with Your Applicant Tracking System

Greetings, forward-thinking business leaders! As the regulatory landscape continues to evolve, ensuring compliance with an applicant tracking system has never been more critical. Are you ready to take the proactive approach to keep your recruitment practices aligned with the latest laws and regulations? Dive into our guide on how to guarantee your company’s compliance with an applicant tracking system and stay ahead of the game.

Latest laws and regulations for recruitment
In today’s dynamic business environment, staying compliant with an applicant tracking system involves more than just checking boxes. It requires a strategic approach to keep up with the ever-changing legal landscape. One key aspect is to stay up to date with the latest laws and regulations impacting your industry. From Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws to data privacy regulations like GDPR, being aware of these requirements is fundamental to maintaining compliance.

According to Envoy, “The first step in ensuring compliance is understanding the relevant regulations and laws that your company needs to comply with. This will vary depending on your company’s function, workplace environment, and even location. For example, a lab in the US with hazardous chemicals, a manufacturing facility in the EU with heavy machinery, and a tech office in Australia will all have different compliance regulations to follow. You’ll want to keep up to date with changes to these regulations and laws.”

Our integrations with partners like Circa and Mineral ensure our clients that they are legally compliant. Mineral helps companies ensure compliance by keeping your company up to date with the latest laws and regulations in our HR Support Center. Circa handles Official Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) compliance and diversity outreach. They navigate federal compliance obligations, reduce risk, and ensure OFCCP audit success.

Create policies to ensure compliance
Once you’re well-versed in the legal requirements, it’s time to implement robust policies within your applicant tracking system. Customize your system to capture the necessary data points, ensure proper documentation, and establish clear processes for data handling. Additionally, regularly monitor and audit your system to guarantee ongoing compliance and address any potential issues promptly.

Envoy stated, “Once you have a solid understanding of what specific compliance requirements your company and your people need to follow, make sure you have them clearly documented for others to understand. It’s much easier to remember and act on the rules if you have a place where you can find them. Think: employee handbook, internal resource hubs, or new hire welcome packets. You should have your employees sign off after reading the materials. That way you can ensure they’ve taken the time to understand them.

Have you researched your policies? Check. Then did you document them in a handbook? Check. Now it’s time to train. Training will help reinforce those companies’ policies and procedures. The training sessions should cover:

  • Safety and health policies
  • How to report hazards, injuries, illnesses
  • Emergency response training
  • Who to contact in case of compliance breaches

Also, training isn’t just a one time thing. It should be ongoing. Training employees regularly ensures that they are aware of compliance policies and procedures. Plus, it helps employees and leaders stay up to date on any changes.”

In conclusion, ensuring compliance with your applicant tracking system is a proactive endeavor that demands attention to detail and a commitment to staying informed. By keeping up to date with the latest laws and regulations, implementing comprehensive policies, and ensuring your employees follow best practices, you can create a solid foundation for compliance success. Trust in the power of your applicant tracking system as a tool to streamline your compliance efforts and lead your organization towards a future of regulatory excellence. Ready to elevate your compliance game? Start today and embrace a culture of compliance that sets you apart from the rest.

Harness the potential of Pereless Systems and witness the compliance it ensures in your hiring process. Request a demo today and see how Pereless Systems is the right fit for your company!

From Hire to Inspire: Why HR Technology is the Key to Attracting and Retaining Seasonal Talent

Picture of seasonal workers provided by Canva.

Human Resources technology is essential for attracting seasonal workers with its ability to streamline the recruitment process and provide a positive candidate experience. With the rise of gig economy platforms and the increasing demand for temporary workers during peak seasons, organizations need efficient tools to attract and onboard talent quickly. 

One key benefit of HR technology for attracting seasonal workers is the ability to reach a larger pool of candidates through online job boards, social media platforms, and recruitment marketing tools. By using these digital channels, organizations can target specific demographics, promote their brand, and engage with potential employees in real-time. This increased visibility can attract more qualified applicants, allowing businesses to select the best individuals for seasonal positions. This increased exposure can help businesses find the right talent quickly and efficiently, ultimately leading to a successful seasonal hiring process.

With the advent of HR technology, businesses can now utilize online job boards to post job openings and reach a wider audience of potential candidates. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter also provide an avenue for businesses to promote seasonal job opportunities and attract candidates who may not be actively searching for employment but are open to new opportunities. Recruitment marketing tools, such as targeted email campaigns and Google Ads, allow businesses to strategically target and attract seasonal workers with specific skills or experience. This precision in targeting ensures that businesses can find the right fit for their seasonal positions and attract a diverse pool of candidates.

Moreover, HR technology allows for automation of repetitive tasks such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and sending follow-up emails. This not only saves time for hiring managers but also creates a seamless and efficient experience for candidates, enhancing the employer brand and increasing the likelihood of attracting top talent. The top key benefits of using HR technology for automation tasks: 

  •  One of the key benefits is the time-saving aspect. Instead of manually sifting through countless resumes, HR professionals can utilize screening software to quickly identify qualified candidates based on specific criteria. This not only accelerates the recruitment process, but also ensures that all applicants are fairly evaluated.
  •  Another key aspect is that this automation enables HR professionals to efficiently schedule interviews by syncing calendars and sending out invitations with just a few clicks. This eliminates the need for back-and-forth communication and reduces the likelihood of scheduling conflicts. 
  • Lastly, follow-up emails are crucial for maintaining communication with candidates and providing them with updates on their application status. HR technology can automatically send personalized emails at predefined intervals, ensuring that candidates are kept informed and engaged throughout the process. 


Overall, HR technology plays a crucial role in attracting seasonal workers by enabling organizations to scale their recruitment efforts, improve the candidate experience, and ultimately stay competitive in a fast-paced and dynamic job market. The automation of repetitive tasks through HR technology not only increases efficiency but also enhances the overall candidate experience. By leveraging these tools, organizations can streamline their recruitment processes and focus on building meaningful connections with potential employees.

Are you hiring? Pereless Systems can be your perfect solution to simplify hiring while streamlining your hiring process. Pereless Systems makes finding the most qualified candidates easier! Request a demo today and see how Pereless Systems can help your company thrive!

Why SOC 2 Audits Are So Valuable For SAS Startups And Established Companies

In April 2010, the AICPA announced a new auditing standard: the Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagement (SSAE 16).

This new auditing standard is known today as the Service Organization Controls or the SOC 2.

This auditing standard reports on the internal controls of a company for what is defined as the five Trust Services (These trust criteria’s are Security, Confidentiality, Processing Integrity, Privacy, and Availability of customer data).

My firm was introduced to this audit in 2011. Since we deliver software applications via the web, most companies that we sell to request this certification prior to any sale/engagement.

That same year, our senior management mandated that we comply and provide annual SOC 2 reports. First, we hired a leading accounting firm that guided us through the process. We found out immediately that the audit demands that a firm designate key personnel from every division and provide targeted data on their controls. Once the controls are documented, the accounting firm then comes on site and tests these controls in real-time with your team, ultimately providing the report. Processing time on a full report is approximately six (6) months from start to finish.

The SOC 2 audit legitimizes and provides full transparency on critical operational standards within your company. It truly calls out deficiencies and builds a stronger company. Although this audit is expensive and very time consuming, it will bridge any resistance to all operational questions a customer needs answered prior to signing the deal!

Our President and CEO, Arthur Pereless, said, “The SOC 2 audit is a pre-requisite to any sale of our company’s products! Our firm could not effectively compete without this certification.”

Three Key Post-Pandemic Hiring Trends You Should Know


2020-2021 has been the most challenging year to date when it comes to unemployment. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic, which shutdown hundreds of thousands of businesses worldwide.
The tech industry overall witnessed a slowdown during the pandemic. The sector saw a overall stall on new jobs being posted due to the uncertainness of the demand for services during these unprecedented times. 
Although some tech services slow down on hiring, others were booming by the demand of tools that promote the virtual workforce. Communications such as team collaboration tools and video meeting tools witnessed increased demand by this new way of working virtually.

Tech Industries Are Changing the Way We Work in Today’s Environment


Telehealth and telemedicine witnessed a significant increase and awareness as doctors started promoting their practices via virtual meetings with their patients. Technology companies that promote a virtual suite of tools for physicians to work virtually are being recognized for their efficiencies and cost savings which are here to stay and grow practices worldwide.
According to findings from the CDC, “During the first quarter of 2020, the number of telehealth visits increased by 50%, compared with the same period in 2019, with a 154% increase in visits noted in surveillance week 13 in 2020, compared with the same period in 2019.” 

Telemedicine Technology that will impact post-hiring trends in technology

“AMA Marc Zarefsky Contributing News Writer”

  • Video-conferencing tools will be adopted for face to face interviews from Doctor and Patient.
  • Video-conferencing will also allow doctors to bridge with other physicians, an example would be a primary physician working with specialists on specific cases out of their domain.
  • Electronic filing systems are assisting physicians and practices in streamlining and standardizing file management on patients. This area will be advancing and becoming stronger as technology advances.
  • Physicians will be able to utilize new remote monitoring tools to follow patients with chronic illnesses.

Corporate Communications Tools

This sector saw a major increase in subscribers during the pandemic, and according to experts are here to stay because of the efficiencies and cost savings that companies are finding in this new virtual way of thinking. 
Sales and support functions within companies realized the time efficiencies and decreased expenses with these virtual tools, and demand is increasing across all industries. For instance, Zoom experienced a meteoric rise in popularity due to the pandemic. The virtual meeting platform’s meeting participants increased from 10 million in 2019 to 300 million in December 2020.

Virtual Hiring Tools

Virtual platforms saw a major increase during COVID-19. Companies adopting collaboration tools such as video-interviewing and onboarding witnessed major efficiencies in time and money, ultimately boosting the bottom line. These new trends are here to stay and can be found in full SAS recruitment technology packages that cater to companies that want to outsource this functionality.
According to an SHRM article by Roy Maurer in February 2021, “In the same way that a hybrid workforce of onsite and remote employees will become more normalized, a hiring process that combines virtual and in-person processes will become increasingly standard due to the associated cost and time savings, according to 70 percent of respondents to the LinkedIn survey.”


COVID-19 has demanded that we change our way of thinking in all industries. The tech industry is primed to lead in this revolution and will continue to forge new technologies that will advance and streamline operations across the globe.

Why is the Hospitality Industry Struggling Pre & Post-Pandemic?

2020-2021 has been one of the most challenging years to date when it comes to unemployment. Millions of Americans have lost their part-time or full-time hospitality jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic, which shutdown hundreds of thousands of small businesses. 

One industry that has struggled the most compared to any others is the hospitality sector. Hospitality careers have a tremendous amount of business types that fall into this broad category. From hotels, to restaurants, to travel services, and the tourism trade.  

This pandemic was very abrupt, and before we knew it, we had become confined to our residences in order to not catch or spread this deadly new virus.

Travel became restricted and that immediately choked the hospitality industry.  

The Department of Labor reports that 39% of all jobs in the Leisure/Hospitality industry disappeared.  

Hospitality industry is still facing struggles today

Today, as we are turning the corner and small businesses are beginning to see the light of day, the industry is still facing a massive problem with regards to staffing and filling the roles of the employees that were laid off during this time. 

During the pandemic, this industry has a demand for workers that far outweighs the number of potential employees. This dynamic is felt across the globe from our largest cities to the smaller demographics.

Some of these laid off workers have grown accustomed to staying at home and receiving unemployment checks rather than returning to their minimum wage jobs as waiters, bartenders, servers, etc. I’m sure that social programs do play into this equation heavily, but that is not the complete answer.

Since 2018, we have been policing our border stronger than any other time in our history. Our country blocked an estimated 70% of all migrant workers coming over to get work visas. With unemployment at a 50 year low in our country, and immigrants making up 31% of the hospitality workforce according to “Deloitte 2019 Travel and Leisure,” something had to give. The truth is we are struggling to fill these positions and get back to normal.

How is the hospitality industry handling these employee shortages today?

Employee shortages have resulted in very difficult times but fortunately, today our digital economy has allowed us to broadcast through social networks. Reaching the masses! Marketing your company openings through the mouth of someone who works there, is very powerful.

Another big dynamic that is occurring in this industry is the adoption of new technologies that replaces tasks that in the past only humans could perform. 

Companies are also using technology to recruit, and staff employees while using the tools available to market in mass, and build pipelines of qualified applicants that can be easily plugged into their many openings.

We will ultimately turn the corner and see our customer services industry thriving like never before.

2 Tech Tools For Successful Remote Work

When 200 recruiters were asked about new adaptations to work life during COVID-19, the results:

84% hiring teams said they were shifting towards remote work

80% began using video interviewing software

46% increased social media presence to share job opportunities

58% started using social media to promote brand and source more candidates

With an increase of work-from-home job opportunities, HR professionals are adapting to new ways of sourcing and hiring talent. Technology platforms and solutions haveindustry has introduced new innovations that claim to solve HR obstacles.

#1 Social Media

The global pandemic keeps people at home and using social media. Millions of jobs have been lost due to COVID-19 shutdowns while social distancing is still recommended across the nation. As some businesses operate semi-normal, people are now favoring work-from-home positions or companies that are flexible to it. A social strategy that reflects a societal preference will encourage higher candidate engagement, flow, and connection. It’s important to give talent an easy way to submit applications directly from your social post. Social will also serve as a great way to connect with the general public and build brand reputation.

#2 Video Interview Software

Once you have discovered talent, it’s time to get to know them through interviews. With telephone screening only going to so far, video interviewing software can manage the entire process without in-person requirement. Interviews can be automated to allow candidates a way to submit responses to questions already recorded by hiring teams. You can also do it the old-fashioned way, just via video!

According to Amy Hargrove of All Web Leads, this popular video interviewing platform, “Decreased the time we spend screening candidates by 67%.” Leslie Willson from Digital Federal Credit Union cited that her team, “…Made 300 hires out of 8,000 applicants with a recruiting team of 3 people.”

Absent a global pandemic, video interviewing software and social media remain a cost-effective method for brand building and hiring the best talent. One of the many lessons of 2020 is learning to navigate through obstacle. When you know what you need and how to achieve it, the possibilities are plentiful!

Connect With Talent Fast With Text Recruiting Software

With the CDC reporting declining cases of COVID-19 in the United States and abroad, it is a recruiter’s market for companies that have survived the pandemic. With individuals looking to get back to work, hiring teams face tough competition to source and hire the best talent. Businesses are increasingly turning to text recruiting software and other virtual technologies to communicate with talent quickly.

Text recruiting speeds up communication

Companies actively hiring have a massive pool of eager and talented candidates to review. Yet it’s important to connect with people as quickly as possible before your competition does. According to CNBC, 55% of recruiters are focusing their efforts on phone calls to source talent. Sending text messages to candidates can expedite the process even more.

Smart phone and texting data

81% of the American population own a smart phone.

95% of text messages received are read.

98% of texts are opened compared to just 20% of emails.

Is text recruiting for everyone?

Engaging job seekers through text allows recruiters to establish relationships far quicker than email or a phone call. Yet, not all job seekers will appreciate this method of communication. 96% of people ages 18-29 have a smart device, while only 79% of people aged 50-64 do. Consider your talent pool demographic before texting them and stick to traditional steps if it makes more sense. Recruitment phases like scheduling interviews can be achieved in a matter of seconds compared to several days via email or telephone, but you don’t want to use a method if your candidates are not familiar with it.

Learn more about Pereless Systems & text recruiting by visiting our website!

Request a Demo

Proforma and Pereless Systems

Proforma Screening Solutions is a background screening company that provides accurate, efficient, and compliant screening services to inform hiring decisions and reduce human capital risk.
More than just generating a basic background report or administering a drug test, Proforma Screening partners with organizations in the following ways:

  • To understand and measure human capital risk.
  • To create background screening policies and programs to manage these risks.
  • To implement accurate, efficient, and cost-effective background screening services.
  • To make better hiring and employee-related decisions.
  • To maintain compliance with applicable hiring laws and regulations.

Benefit from the comprehensive employment screening solutions of an industry-leading organization. Count on Proforma Screening Solutions.

Here’s What Recruiters Should Look For In Their Talent

What do recruiters value when selecting candidates? Experience, education, certifications, and skill-sets are undoubtedly among the top few. Yet, things like culture fit, authenticity, and positive attitudes are arguably just as important as work experience. As today’s world continually changes, and companies compete to stay relevant, how do you find the best talent while also finding the best fit?

Naturally, recruiters focus on hiring candidates who will match the required skills of the position. We usually refer to these as hard skills. While there is still emphasis on a candidate’s hard skills such as data analysis, marketing, software development, and information systems, businesses are considering it just as important to identify a specific set of soft skills as well.

So, what are soft skills?

They are an individual’s interpersonal skills. Most significant of these are purpose, problem-solving, and emotional stability. While all of these skills hold value, some are more fundamental in recognizing how effective a person can be in their role. Employees who possess these additional traits will unquestionably strengthen company culture as well-adjusted and open-minded individuals who are willing to evolve and contribute to the continuous growth of the company.

Having an efficient and responsive recruiting process is beneficial to both the employer and candidate. Candidates must interview before being considered for a position, so cutting out this step is impossible. But what about a way to get a read on a candidate before even scheduling a face to face interview? Identifying a candidates’ soft skills would be identifiable right from the beginning.

Looking for a strong recruitment system that integrates with assessment tools to help you source the best talent?

E-Signature Technology: Solving Old Problems With New Tech

Originally Published by Forbes
Written by Pereless Systems CEO Arthur Pereless III

We have come so far in technological advancement that it is hard to remember the way things were. In 1999, the idea of signing digital documents was hard to imagine. Twenty years later, e-signature technology has proven to be a great technological innovation.

History Of Electronic Signatures

Electronic signatures, also known as e-signatures are “any electronic process that indicates acceptance of an agreement or record.” Unlike digital signatures that use a certificate-based ID, electronic signatures use a single-factor authorization using variables like passwords, unique PINS and Social Security numbers to verify identity. Proof of signing is achieved using an audit trail function embedded within each digital page.

Finish reading here.