Google for Jobs: Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting

Job boards have taken over online recruiting. It is less and less common for a job applicant to seek out a specific company when looking for a new position. For this reason, some companies have been struggling to keep their job applications numbers on the rise.

If you’ve missed Google’s recent addition, you’ve missed out on a huge hiring opportunity.

Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs

Previously, an applicant could type in the job industry and location that would fit their needs and different job boards would pop up on Google.

However, Google for Jobs has now eliminated that crucial one step and has funneled all of the job boards to one place.

Instead of job boards, there may be a sponsored post at the top but it is immediate followed by Google’s own version of a job board – a true disruption for the recruiting industry.


Aside from the highlighted 3-4 jobs that appear on the homepage, candidates can click a link and view more.

Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs

How can you be seen on Google for Jobs?

It is unclear exactly what algorithm Google for Jobs is using to choose which jobs appear in their ranking order but it seems that the distribution of job boards is fairly even. Still, it is important to make sure that your company takes advantage of this new opportunity.

It can be difficult for HR managers to stay on top of these technological trends, especially when managing multiple job boards, openings, applicants, interviews, screening processes, etc. An applicant tracking system and talent acquisition software can streamline the hiring process.

Not only will this type of system post the jobs online and track analytics from clicks and applies, it goes a few steps further by allowing hiring managers to search, import, tag, contact and organize candidates.

Once a candidate is chosen, ATS like Pereless also include an onboarding portal which aids companies with digital paperwork, tasks, and communication with the candidates up until the day they officially become an employee.

Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs

The One Recruiting Approach You Can’t Miss

Social media recruiting has recently grown in popularity.  More and more companies are gearing up to find quality candidates via social media.  The social media takeover is sweeping the nation and has now moved over into the recruitment world.  

80% of job seekers will use social media to help them in the job search.  

It is important to get on board the social media recruiting train because it gives companies access to the most diverse candidate pool possible.

It is proven that jobseekers are more likely to apply for a position if the company is actively updating and managing their social media accounts. It is important to actively manage and post on your social media platforms because it shows jobseekers a good company culture and work environment.

The biggest platform that companies are using is LinkedIn; this is where companies are seeing the best results for hiring candidates.

It is apparent that using social media can really boost your applicant pool, giving you the most options when hiring a candidate.  In today’s day and age, everyone uses their phones and social media for just about everything.

Isn’t it time to bring your recruiting into the modern day?

Almost all successful companies plan to use social media for their recruiting and are investing serious money in their social recruiting.  Join the movement and use your social media accounts to make your hiring process the best it can be.  As candidates get younger, the more social media will play a factor in the recruitment process.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Job Posting

The job application process can be extensive, and mostly everything is digital. Having a reliable ATS is essential, however there are a number of precautions to take when writing a job posting.


DO: Write a good job description

You want to be clear and concise in your job description. When writing a job posting, do not focus so much on buzzwords, but rather the essential details. Include key responsibilities of the job and be specific with what you are looking for. This is your opportunity to draw in ideal candidates!


DON’T: Start hiring before you are prepared

You want to make sure that you have the right accommodations to expand your business and take on new employees. Growth is great, but you must have a clear idea of what you need and what is a financially sound choice for your company. Take your time.


DO: Go through your own application

A study found that nearly 40% of recruiters and hiring managers had not gone through the job application process on their own website to test it out. Self-testing the job application is a great way to find any flaws and to make any necessary improvements.


DON’T: Make the application excessively lengthy

The same survey found that 60% of applicants thought an online application was too complex or long in the past and quit it. As mentioned in the first “DO”, keep it clear and concise. A somewhat long application is perfectly fine in order to be thorough, but at a certain point applications can simply become far too extensive. To avoid applicants quitting or getting frustrated, you need a good ATS.


DO: Have the best ATS possible

Hiring is difficult enough as is, and having an unreliable hiring software only adds to the pressure. A user-friendly applicant tracking system allows for easy and effective recruiting. An ATS automates the recruitment process and features can include resume sorting, access to job postings on hundreds of job boards, and onboarding documents and processes.


Hiring the right candidates is essential in growing your company. Take the pressure off by having a good ATS and following these Do’s and Don’ts.


How Team Dynamic Can Make or Break a Company

As a company who focuses on recruiting and Human Resource technology, we take pride in our ability to find the best candidate for every position. With the relevance of equality in the workplace, Pereless Systems analyzed our own team dynamic and found that our company is powered equally (1:1) by men and women. In total, our gender split is off by one single employee. 

What does this mean for our internal dynamic? Some members of our team spoke about what it means to them.

“I’ve worked for a variety of companies with a variety of dynamics. I knew the best place for me was an environment where my gender would be no obstacle. At Pereless, I am very grateful for the opportunities I’ve been provided as part of the balanced team and urge new graduates to consider this when looking for their first jobs.”

This distribution remains true throughout the entire company – up to and including the management level.

“I’ve been at Pereless Systems for 3 years now and it’s a unique and empowering experience when the sky’s the limit for all employees. As a team, I think we are so efficient due, in part, to our diversity and balance.”

What Makes Pereless Different from other ATS?

From large names to start-ups and with a variety of capabilities, Human Resource managers face a difficult decision when choosing an applicant tracking system (ATS). For those who currently have an ATS but are coming to the end of a contract, looking for a new opportunity can provide many benefits to your company. Pereless Systems has been in the market for 17 years, constantly growing our list of capabilities and our client base. Our platform is comparable to the top ATS in the market but there are some key differences that make Pereless unique in the market.

Dedicated Client Success Team

Customer service is extremely important for a business to survive. However, customer service often falls aside as a company grows and has to juggle more clients. Automated phone lines or general support FAQs become the way in which most customers can get their answers. At Pereless, we refuse to fall into that stereotype. Each client has a dedicated client success team who directly answer the phone for questions, support, and feedback. Every time you call us, you speak to a human.

This is not only one of our clients’ favorite perk, but it allows us to truly understand our clients’ needs. Due to this close relationship, our software development teams are constantly making updates and adding new features to our product. For some of our competitors, this is a nearly impossible connection to maintain, at Pereless we rely on this connection to enhance our software.

Internal Applicant Support Team

An internal applicant support team may be one of our most unique offerings. We strive to support not only our clients, but their candidates as well. For HR Managers, the application process can be a nightmare. The larger the company, the more applications they receive and therefore the more calls and questions from applicants.

We highly value both client and candidate support and have taken candidate relationship management to the next level. We provide an internal applicant support team who will directly take calls from candidates throughout the application process, lessening the work of hiring managers and therefore opening more time to do their jobs.

Flexible Pricing Model and Customized Packages

Many applicant tracking systems and on-boarding software providers lock their clients into long term contracts. In addition, there is little flexibility with pricing because of standardized packages. Due to the fact that we are privately owned, Pereless has the ability to put together customized packages for each client and we will never lose a deal because of pricing.

In addition, we rarely ask clients to sign into long-term or multi-year contracts. Pereless Systems will speak for itself and the lack of long-term contracts results in an indescribable drive to stay ahead of client needs. Our product and people are what keep our clients with us – not a legal obligation. Therefore, we constantly innovate to keep ourselves at the top.

Integrations with Job Boards, Payroll, Background and Assessment Providers

As one of the first in our industry, Pereless has established many integrations that provide an impressive range of functionality to our clients. We have access to hundreds of job boards through partnerships with companies like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor and many others.

In addition, we have built our platform to accommodate services from payroll, background check & assessment providers like ADP, Aurico, and People Answers (and many more!). Pereless provides recruiters and HR Managers with an easy to use and centralized solution for their needs.

Unique and Robust Reporting that Includes, “Build Your Own” Customized Report

Analytics drive the reasoning behind all major business decisions. Analytics drive the reasoning behind all major business decisions. Provide management with robust reports that include a “Daily Activity Report”, “Candidate Source Report”, “EEO-1 Report”, “Cost per Hire” and “Time to Fill” reports. These are just a few examples of the report templates we offer. Need a customized report? Take advantage of our “Build Your Own Report” feature. All of our reports can be saved and run according to specific dates. Export reports to Excel or simply print them out for review. The difference between our reports and other ATS is that we offer a “build your own” reporting feature based off of your specific interests.

Branded Career Pages

Familiarity with a brand name is most often the reason a customer buys a product, whether or not that product is of high quality. Getting your logo in front of an audience is the best way for customers to become familiar with your business. For this reason, a lot of service providers and companies we compete with put their logo on your career pages and inside of your applications. Pereless Systems works more behind the scenes. We produce personalized and branded career pages with your logo, not ours.

Data Migration from Current Applicant Tracking System

Finally, we understand that there are other ATS in the market but we also understand this list of reasons is why companies switch over to Pereless. We have built our platform so that data transfer is extremely easy from your current provider into our platform. In fact, we offer to take 50% off of your implementation fee if you are switching from another ATS to our system.

If you would like to schedule a demo of our platform, please click here and we will be happy to work with you.

How Mobile Job Applications Will Change Recruiting

Modernizing the application process is crucial for recruiters to find and attract top tier talent.

Mobile devices have become arguably the most important piece of technology we own. Cellphones are changing the way that people consume data and interact with businesses. A major increase in technology companies has been seen over the past 10 years, disrupting industry after industry.

Internally, companies have been left scrambling to keep their processes and software up-to-date. Human Resources and Recruiting Departments are no exception.

For the past year, Pereless Systems has had mobile career pages and application processes.  These features help to maximize the access of recruiting and reach of job opportunities to candidates. Applicants no longer have to be restricted to apply on a computer.  These on-the-go features, along with our one-page application process, make for a quick, simple, and responsive experience. With mobile application capabilities, companies will see their candidate pools increase due to the vast amount of people using their smartphones.

Many times applicants will shy away from long applications due to inconvenience and time needed. Seeing all application fields on one page and on a phone screen is a very attractive process for applicants. Becoming a technologically savvy company through mobile applications will set companies apart when trying to attract new employees.  It is vital to keep up with the ever-growing world we live in.  

In addition, one page application processes are rising in popularity.

Candidates are faced with an increasing number of job postings and an increasing number of competition, so expediting the application process will encourage them to apply.

Company growth can be stunted without adaptation.  This is why it’s imperative to become a mobile friendly company.  The additions of mobile applications and career pages will help tremendously in doing so.  In competitive markets, this is the best way to get the quality candidates that fit your company culture and work ethic.  Take the time to evaluate your HR approach and become more mobile friendly for the best results.  

To see how easy it is to become a mobile company,  contact Pereless Systems to add mobile applications and career pages to your applicant tracking and on-boarding strategy.

3 Unique Views Millennials Bring to the Workplace

Understanding millennials is important for anyone in HR. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics/The Business and Professional Women’s Foundation, they will account for 36% of the U.S. workforce by next year. By 2030 it is predicted that number will rise to 75% of the workforce. These statistics are staggering, so what exactly do you need to know about this generation?

New Skills Brought on by New Talent

Millennials bring a different perspective to the workplace. According to a Forbes study, 74% of non-millennials agree that their generation offers different skills and work styles. This is an important factor in growing a collaborative business. It is understandable that varying work methods and ideas are increased through hiring younger generations considering that many of them are ambitious and driven.

Shift Towards More Educated Workforce

Millennials are one of the most educated generations with about 79% of them holding at least a bachelor’s degree. The higher education of millennials combined with their innovative critical thinking skills make them ideal job candidates. Degrees in areas such as engineering yield especially high job placement results, however many hold degrees in other specialized areas and have difficulty with finding jobs. This is an interesting statistic because the more specialized a degree can be, the deeper a knowledge it requires about the subject. This can be a huge advantage to companies looking to hire for a specific need when looking through a large pile of resumes.

Focus on Future Generations in the Workforce

A Forbes study also found that 74% agree that businesses should partner with colleges. If more businesses worked with colleges, this would ensure that graduating students have the necessary skills for their job. College professors will often try to achieve this by making sure that the skills taught in the classroom are relevant to the actual job which students will be going into, this makes their younger generation and future applicants even more ideal as employees.

Millennials are an innovative generation with varying values, beliefs, and work ethics. Their skills and high levels of education make them ideal work candidates which can help to excel your business. Millennials are not just a part of the workforce, they are the workforce.


5 Ways Start-Ups Can Benefit From Applicant Tracking

startups using applicant tracking systems


Start-up companies looking to expand their workforce are sometimes faced with major obstacles when it comes to recruiting talent. With the constraints of a small budget coupled with a sometimes non-existent Human Resource department, existing employees are often forced to take on the job of recruiter that may interfere or delay their original responsibilities – sometimes even setting the company back significantly.  How can a small business with a tight budget and tiny workforce grow without the threat of failure?


1) Purchase Applicant Tracking . . .

Implementing a cloud-based software solution like an Applicant Tracking System can streamline a majority of the internal and external processes of recruitment.  However, before deciding on an ATS vendor, make sure you are getting an easy to use and innovative tool that fits company needs without overloading you with features you don’t need.  You don’t want to get involved in a contract with a system that you won’t use!  Make sure you are provided training and have easy access to customer support when needed!

2) Improved Apply Process

How will prospective job candidates find your job listings and apply? The now perceived “outdated” way of gathering applications was using paper applications or requesting candidates send their resumes via email. Applicant Tracking Systems can automate all of this for you by providing a branded career page where your jobs are listed and candidates can apply electronically. Not only will this automatically organize and manage your candidates and resume files in one place, it will free up your email inbox and cut down on paperwork in the office.
3) From Manual To Automatic!

Not only will Applicant Tracking Systems automate applications but it can streamline internal work flows and tasks. With certain functionalities like job approval, offer approval, and recruit flow to disposition candidates, employees can rely on software to do the manual work for them.

4) Go Mobile

With millennials making up a majority of the new workforce, most of them are likely to rely on their mobile device to do everything – including filling out job applications. Innovative Applicant Tracking Systems will provide mobile-friendly career sites and applications so candidates can apply using their smart devices. Even better, some ATS solutions have internal text messaging capabilities that allow recruiters to contact job candidates on their phones using the ATS and even send job interview requests through text. This is a great way to save time,  speed up the process of scheduling interviews, and increase candidate flow to your jobs.

5) Reports & Analytics

With an Applicant Tracking System managing all of your sourcing and recruitment tasks, it will also serve as a great tool to run reports and capture key data for business purposes and record-keeping in seconds! Metrics such as applicant flow, job activity, ROI, and time-to-fill is captured by the system and will help keep you informed on your progress.


Want to learn more about how Applicant Tracking can streamline recruitment and hiring without breaking the bank?  Sign up for a demo and request to try us for 30 days free!

Free Onboarding

OSHA Rule For Electronic Submissions Delayed



The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) new rule requiring certain employers to report injuries and illness electronically has been postponed indefinitely.  The new rule was set to go into effect on July 1st, 2017, however without explanation, OSHA announced the rule would be put on hold on May 17th.   One spokeswoman for OSHA said the delay was a result of the need to focus on company “concerns about meeting their reporting obligations,” according to The Washington Post.

The new standards for reporting workplace illness and injuries was created with hopes of improving safety standards across the board for employers.  According to OSHA’s website, “Behavioral economics tells us that making injury information publicly available will ‘nudge’ employers to focus on safety.”  They also hope it will remove the fear of employer retaliation and improve reporting accuracy.

The rule was met with controversy because the new reporting standards would result in some information becoming public.  Two lawsuits countering the OSHA regulation are currently pending citing public disclosure of such data “unreasonably harms employers.”  Some conclude this might be a sign the rule will never make its way to real-time, however others recommend preparing for the new change until the plans are officially scrapped.  Attorney Patrick Miller suggests, “The good news for employers is that this could be a sign that the rule will go away entirely, but until a final decision has been made, employers should be prepared to comply.”


Onboarding And Applicant Tracking: 4 Reasons Why You Need It



Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are best known as a Human Resource tool to automate recruitment, record-keep, and provide a database of vital candidate and employee information. Yet, with technology best known for its constant change, the ATS industry has begun to transform their products into a more dynamic platform built to do more than just recruit.  ATS vendors are now incorporating hiring tools like Onboarding to streamline time-to-fill rates and train new employees quicker and more efficiently.  Onboarding allows companies to use the ATS for processing new hires and providing them a secure portal to view and sign important documents electronically – all while being tracked and recorded by the ATS.  It can also be used as a resource center to help new employees become familiar with their new job and learn the ropes quicker. Could your business survive without an Onboarding portal attached to your ATS? Yes. Will you revert back to an ATS without an Onboarding portal once you try one? No!

Here’s Why:
1. Everything You Need In ONE System – If you had the opportunity to use just one software platform to source, recruit, and hire employees, wouldn’t you jump at it?  Of course you would! Especially if the ATS is cost-effective without sacrificing quality.  The best Applicant Tracking Systems can do a lot for a little!

2. Centralized Portal For Documents – All of the important documents required for review and/or signature by new hires can be uploaded into a centralized Onboarding portal as an electronic document and completed from anywhere, using any device.   Rather than worrying about new hires filling out paperwork on their first day, HR can advise new hires to complete all documents and tasks prior to their first time – freeing up time to focus more on training.

3. Resource Center – New employees are always anxious to learn more about their new job and what to expect. An Onboarding portal can help prepare them prior to day one! Include videos, website links, employee handbooks, and more to help them become more comfortable.  Help alleviate first day jitters with the gift of knowledge!

4. Communicate With Your Team – Onboarding should always include a method of communicating with your hiring team to help prepare for the arrival of new employees.  Create and assign tasks to your team, send them reminders, and keep everyone organized and on the same page.

Onboarding is one step Human Resource professionals cannot avoid. Why not make it easier while using an applicant tracking system that stores and manages all candidate data.  What applicant tracking system does all that without breaking the bank?  Check us out!